
Dental assistant

The person who watches over the patients!

In a dental clinic, dental assistants treat patients with the utmost care! In addition to taking care of patients, they make sure that dentists have everything they need—in perfect condition and at the right time.

Degree :  Vocational (DVS) (optional) and/or training provided by the employer
Placement rate :  100%
Duration :  1 year

Discover the profession of dental assistant with Renée!

For many people, including Emy, the profession of dental assistant is quite misunderstood! In this video, Emy meets Renée and learns a few of her secrets…

The dental assistant profession is for you if…

  • You like to help and support your co-workers
  • You’re trustworthy and reliable
  • You’re a good listener and attentive to the needs of others
  • You like your environment to be clean and tidy
  • You’re meticulous, methodical and like to do things well

Your job is to…

  • Get patients ready for dental examinations and prepare the equipment required for the various dental procedures
  • Assist the dentist during treatment
  • Sterilize and care for the instruments and equipment
  • Perform administrative tasks as required

The dental assistant is like an extension of the dentist. Without a glance, they move in sync so that everything goes according to plan… it’s like a choreography that unfolds before the patient’s eyes!

Training and prerequisites

To become a dental assistant in Quebec, although not mandatory, obtaining a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) in Dental Assistance is strongly recommended. Some clinics require a DVS, so be sure to contact the clinic of your choice to find out more!

Institutions offering this program

The following facilities offer the dental assistant program:

Lower Saint Lawrence

Quebec City

Eastern Townships








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